5 Good Reasons to Schedule a Dental Check Up

5 Good Reasons to Schedule a Dental Check Up

Thursday, April 1st, 2021


5 Good Reasons to Schedule a Dental Check-Up

As kids, we're imprinted with the idea that dentist offices are scary places (I'm looking at you, Finding Nemo). We lose many of our childish fears as we grow up, but this one seems to stick around a little longer.

Why else would only 64% of adults get a dental check-up in 2019?

It's easy to go about our daily lives and forget to focus on our oral health. Unfortunately, skipping these routine visits can lead to serious permanent issues. In the long run, that means thousands of dollars.

Do your mouth and your wallet a favor by scheduling your next dental visit. Don't believe this is important? Read on to discover the five main reasons to schedule a dental check up.

1. You'll Receive Quality Advice

A regular dental check-up every six months allows you to touch base with your dentist. Not only do they inform you of the state of your teeth, but this is your chance to ask questions.

Your doctor is there to help you.

For example, if your smile has always made you self-conscious, you don't have to suffer from that discomfort forever. Treatment options exist, like orthodontics or Invisalign, that completely transform the look of your smile. You can read more about our orthodontic treatment benefits.

Without a dental visit, you may never know how close you are to a better life.

2. You'll Uncover Hidden Issues

Gum disease and oral cancers are difficult to spot with the untrained eye. Waiting multiple years between check-ups is dangerous because you're letting diseases grow without treatment (unless you have X-Ray vision in which case we'll give you a pass).

Oral diseases affect 3.5 billion people worldwide. They're preventable in the early stages, so just go get your check-up.

3. You'll Save Money

This idea directly relates to the reason above. If you think that oral cancer, periodontitis, and gingivitis sound expensive and complicated, you're right. Treatments for these diseases can blow a big hole in your wallet.

Stop these problems in their tracks by taking a detailed look at your teeth and gums twice a year.

4. Your Dental Check-Up Might Be Covered

The majority of employers offer dental coverage. If you're paying for it already, why not take advantage of these benefits? They don't roll over to the next calendar year, so use them while you can.

5. You'll Prevent Plaque Build Up

Cleaning your teeth is one of the most memorable parts of a check-up. Did you know that stripping your teeth of plaque does a lot more for your health than just making you feel cleaner?

People with plaque buildup are 65% more likely to have dementia. There are also direct links between plaque and pneumonia, diabetes, and pregnancy complications.

Don't Risk It

Your health should be your number one priority. Schedule a dental check-up to reap the benefits we mentioned above. From saving money to preventing serious diseases, there's no reason not to visit us here at Brookmere Dental Group.

Visit our website to view the services available to you and get in touch with one of our professionals. Click here to read our special message to new patients and schedule your appointment today!

There's no boogeyman at the dentist, we promise.

Why Dental Extractions Are Necessary

Monday, March 1st, 2021


Have you been experiencing tooth pain but you're too afraid to go to the dentist? You're not alone. Fear of the dentist's office is common. Over 10% of adults are terrified of visiting their dentist!

Many of these fears come from the potential for surgical extraction. People aren't aware that sometimes this procedure is necessary. Are you in need of tooth extraction in Coquitlam?

We're here to talk about when and why your teeth may need to be extracted so you can get rid of some of that fear. Keep reading to learn more.

Impacted Teeth

Having impacted teeth is one of the more common reasons that someone would get a wisdom tooth extracted. These teeth aren't growing in place correctly.

When a tooth is impacted, it means it hasn't been able to erupt from the gums. This is often the result of your mouth being too crowded for an extra tooth.

Impacted teeth can cause further crowding, cracked teeth, or infection (or all three). Getting rid of that tooth won't hurt your smile, and you may have less pain overall after the tooth is gone.

Once you feel that wisdom tooth trying to burst through your gums, you'll be quick to google "tooth extraction near me" to get rid of the soreness.

Fix Overcrowding

If your teeth have already erupted, you can still experience overcrowding. Overcrowding means that there's not enough space for all of your teeth to fit the right way. This condition usually requires braces to fix.

Overcrowding makes it challenging to brush all surfaces of your teeth and to floss. This means that it's a health hazard, not just an aesthetic problem.

Sometimes braces and clear aligners aren't enough to fix overcrowding. Getting a quick tooth removal gives your teeth extra space so that orthodontic options are possible.

Your smile may change for a short time, but once your teeth are straightened, you'll never know the difference.

Prevent Infection

Your dentist wants to preserve your teeth at all costs. This is why they'd instead opt for a filling or a root canal when you visit them with cavities. Unfortunately, this isn't always possible.

Severe tooth decay results in the pulp of your tooth getting an infection. If this infection spreads to your gums, it can cause periodontal disease. Your dentist wants to do everything in their power to prevent this, so extracting the offending tooth is the best option.

If you already have periodontal disease, the tooth may still have to come out. Gum disease often results in loosened teeth.

Do You Need Tooth Extraction in Coquitlam?

We understand that the idea of having a tooth extracted is anxiety-inducing. That said, if you're experiencing pain, the extraction will get rid of it.

Expert dentists can remove your tooth without pain, only pressure. While you'll feel some soreness afterward, it's nothing in comparison to what you felt before or what you could feel in the future if your teeth aren't taken care of.

If you think that you need a tooth extraction in Coquitlam, we want to meet you.

Contact us to book an appointment for dentistry services in Coquitlam so we can ease your pain.

Dentist in Coquitlam: How Often Should I Get My Teeth Cleaned or Checked?

Monday, February 1st, 2021

Dentist in Coquitlam: How Often Should I Get My Teeth Checked?

Our teeth are protected by enamel, the hardest substance in the human body. Over time, however, it can erode.

Take sugary and acidic foods, for example, they can cause the outer layer to degrade over time. If anything, that’s what causes cavities.

The good news is that it is preventable with proper brushing and flossing. Not only that, but regular dental checkups are important as well.

Are you looking for a dentist in Coquitlam? Want to know how often you should get your teeth checked? If so, you’re on the right page. Keep reading to learn more!

The Importance of Regular Dental Visits

There are several reasons why you want to go for regular dental checkups. Here’s what you need to know.

Plaque and Tartar Removal

Plaque can build up on your teeth even with regular brushing and flossing. Left alone, it will turn into tartar, which is impossible to remove without going to the dentist.

Ultimately, the goal is to remove the plaque and tartar before it becomes a problem.

Oral Cancer Detection

Oral cancer can be life-threatening if it’s not diagnosed and treated quickly. That's why it's so important to go to the dentist—they’re highly trained to recognize the signs of the disease.

The earlier you catch it, the easier it will be to treat.

Gum Disease Prevention

Periodontitis is a serious infection that damages the tissues surrounding the teeth. Left untreated, it can cause abscesses and receding gums, the former of which can be life-threatening if the infection travels to the bloodstream.

Fortunately, this can all be prevented with regular dental visits.


Certain things such as impacted teeth are invisible to the naked eye—that is, they can only be seen with x-rays. This is especially true with destructive diseases that show little to no systems but progress rapidly.

Keep Bad Habits In Check

Various habits can have a negative impact on your oral health. For example, both biting your nails and chewing ice can damage your teeth.

When you go for a checkup, your dentist will be able to see if there’s any damage caused by these habits. If necessary, they’ll help fix the damage that’s already been done.

How Often Should You Go to the Dentist?

As a general rule, you want to go for a cleaning and checkup every six months. Some people, however, may have to go more often.

Some higher-risk groups include smokers, pregnant women, and diabetics. Those who are prone to cavities should also visit their dentist more frequently.

Finding a Dentist in Coquitlam

As you can see, there are several reasons why it’s important to go to a dentist regularly. If anything, it's the best way to prevent oral health problems.

Looking for a dentist in Coquitlam? We, at Brookmere Dental, would be happy to help—feel free to contact us to set up an appointment!

Coquitlam Invisalign: What are the Advantages of Invisalign?

Tuesday, January 5th, 2021

Coquitlam Invisalign: What are the Advantages of Invisalign?

Did you know that only 35% of adults have well-aligned front teeth? Many adults believe it is too late to get their teeth fixed because they don't want braces as an adult. Luckily, there is another option that has huge benefits for anyone who tries it, Invisalign.

Read on to learn about what the advantages of Coquitlam Invisalign are.

The Look

Not everyone enjoys the look of braces and get turned off by fixing their teeth because of that reason alone. One of the best Invisalign benefits is that there are no chunks of metal in your mouth. In fact, they aren't really noticeable at all.

What makes traditional braces even more unattractive is that they easily get food stuck in them. When you are considering Croquitlam Invisalign vs. braces, these are little differences to think about.

More Comfortable

Another one of the amazing Invisalign benefits is being more comfortable than traditional braces. Getting braces means attaching metal to the teeth and keeping them there until the teeth more. This can be super uncomfortable, especially when rubber bands come into the picture.

Braces cannot get removed until a professional does it for you. Invisalign can be removed by you whenever you want. Although this is not recommended, taking your aligners out for a short period of time is fine.

This should only happen when you are eating or having a drink.

Treatment Time

There are Invisalign pros and cons, but one major pro is the duration of the treatment. Generally, your teeth move faster when you use Invisalign compared to traditional braces.

While braces can take up to five years, Invisalign can take less than two years. If you are lucky, it will only take a year to finish treatment. The true duration varies from person to person as it is based on what your teeth look like before treatment and how fast they can shift.

Although the Invisalign cost tends to be more expensive than traditional braces, they are worth it for this benefit alone. You can get straighter teeth a lot faster with aligners.

Nothing Is Unexpected

Not many know that braces are a trial and error process. Because there is no clear idea of how your teeth are going to shift with braces, you may have to have adjustments that take up more time.

On the other hand, nothing is unexpected when you get Coquitlam Invisalign. Dental patients choosing this treatment will have their only treatment plan ahead of time. Because this is a computerized plan, it is easier to understand.

As a patient, you will know what to expect before it happens. This includes figuring out a timeframe for how long you need to wear the aligners.

Benefit From Coquitlam Invisalign Now

Getting Invisalign has many attractive benefits that draw people to the idea. To see all of these benefits for yourself, get Coquitlam Invisalign now. Your perfect smile is just around the corner.

Don't wait any longer to schedule an appointment for Invisalign treatment with us. Contact us today to work with our lead dentist!

5 Orthodontic Treatment Benefits

Tuesday, December 1st, 2020


Your smile is your biggest asset when it comes to social communication. Feeling conscious of yourself when you speak or laugh can result in poor self-confidence. Unfortunately, for many of us, a birth defect or an injury makes our teeth misaligned and leaves them crooked. Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the correction of badly formed teeth. There are several benefits to it and is a lifetime investment.

Traditional orthodontics made use of metal wires and other conventional items, but today they are far lighter and blend seamlessly with your overall appearance. Coquitlam orthodontics leaves you with nothing but a big and bright smile for you to flaunt. Here are some of the benefits.


1.    Improving Aesthetic Appearance

Orthodontic treatment will push back your misaligned teeth back into place. With braces and Invisalign custom created according to the shape and size of your mouth, you will get straight and beautiful teeth about which you will not feel conscious anymore. You end up feeling good about yourself, and it has a direct and positive psychological effect.


2.    Maintaining Oral Health

Misaligned teeth can lead to poor oral health. There are greater chances of food particles getting lodged inside your teeth and over time, it could lead to additional teeth and gum problems like cavities and periodontal gum disease. It could also result in gingivitis that may eventually end up affecting your cardiovascular health. Teeth malformation can make it tough for you to brush and floss regularly but Coquitlam orthodontics can set it right.


3.    Jaw and Bite Alignment

If there are problems with your jaw growth or bite alignment, then orthodontics Coquitlam makes used of specific headgears and expansions to move your jawbones into place. Your jaw dimensions can be altered even if it a birth defect, depending on the intensity of the problem. Orthodontics can refine occlusion and also reconstruct the entire face structure at times. Setting your teeth straight for the right bite is done in the same way, helping you bite and chew with ease.


4.    Reduced Wear and Tear

Misaligned teeth can result in increased wear and tear of your teeth. It makes your teeth fragile and weak, and your teeth can chip away over time, which requires its share of corrective treatment. With orthodontics, you can keep your teeth healthy and reduce the pressure and stress on them which might cause them to break. Misaligned teeth put excess stress on your gums and jaws while biting and you have to deprive yourself of the pleasure of many food items. Orthodontics will give you back your regular lifestyle.


5.    Better Restorative Treatment

With orthodontics, your teeth are back in their correct position and that paves the way for more restorative treatment in the future if needed. It is easier to treat straight teeth when there is a tooth missing or if you need implants or bridges later, or if you end up needing a root canal treatment. Your teeth also heal faster after every procedure and minimize the chances of complications and injuries.


Book your appointment with Coquitlam orthodontics and experience the transformation for a new you.

Replacing Missing Teeth With Dental Implants Inspires Confident Smiles

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020

Restore Your Perfect Smile

The loss of one or more teeth can have a devastating impact on a person's quality of life. Missing teeth due to injury, periodontal disease, decay or congenital disabilities alters the jaw structure, impacting the bite, chewing and cosmetic appearance. At Brookmere Dental, Dr. Kourosh Milani and Dr. Sherry Milani are highly trained and skilled in cosmetic dentistry and ready to give you back your smile.

Dental Implants VS Traditional Treatments

Brookmere Dentistry uses Coquitlam dental implants constructed from titanium, which, when implanted, become a permanent part of your jaw. Traditional alternatives such as bridges, dentures and crowns are a temporary solution often requiring further upkeep and replacement.

Dental implants are designed to look exactly like your natural tooth, which means your implants will emulate your natural, healthy teeth. Implants are stable and comfortable, minimizing any discomfort when chewing or speaking while preserving the jawline. The placement of an implant does not impact the surrounding teeth, ensuring the remaining teeth's integrity. The implant acts just like a natural tooth preserving your oral health and bone structure.

The Procedure

After a series of Xrays, Dr. Milani will assess the existing bone to ensure enough bone material remains to place the implant in and graft bone if needed. State of the art dental guides and computer software enables Dr. Milani to safely and precisely place the implant into the jaw's exact position.

The procedure takes place under anesthesia to minimize discomfort, and healing time varies from patient to patient but generally takes less than three weeks. Complications are uncommon, but the Bookmere Dental Group is available to help if an emergent situation arises.

Your Brand New Smile

Dental Implants are the next best thing next to a healthy tooth that, with proper care, may last the rest of your lifetime. Once placed, the implant will fuse with your bone and function, look exactly like your other teeth, and will most likely never require adjustment or replacement. A dental implant is a lifetime investment because it is designed to last, and it will also stimulate bone growth and prevent further bone loss. If your jawline or facial structure has altered due to tooth loss, dental implants will correct these features.

If you have suffered severe decay, tooth loss, broken teeth or wish to replace discolored/damaged teeth, look no further than Brookmere Dental Group for your dazzling smile. Skilled dentistry, combined with amazing, new technology, promises you the restoration of your beautiful smile. Contact us today to book your consultation for dental implants, and get ready to smile at the world again.




Monday: 9am-5pm
Tuesday: 9am-7pm
Wednesday: 9am-7pm
Thursday: 9am-7pm
Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturdays: 9am-5pm
Sunday: Closed
Closed on Sat holidays

Brookmere Dental Group
Phone: (604) 492-3388
101-531 North Rd
Coquitlam, BCV3J 1N7
Email: info@brookmeredental.com

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