Dentist in Coquitlam: How Often Should I Get My Teeth Cleaned or Checked?

Dentist in Coquitlam: How Often Should I Get My Teeth Cleaned or Checked?

Monday, February 1st, 2021

Dentist in Coquitlam: How Often Should I Get My Teeth Checked?

Our teeth are protected by enamel, the hardest substance in the human body. Over time, however, it can erode.

Take sugary and acidic foods, for example, they can cause the outer layer to degrade over time. If anything, that’s what causes cavities.

The good news is that it is preventable with proper brushing and flossing. Not only that, but regular dental checkups are important as well.

Are you looking for a dentist in Coquitlam? Want to know how often you should get your teeth checked? If so, you’re on the right page. Keep reading to learn more!

The Importance of Regular Dental Visits

There are several reasons why you want to go for regular dental checkups. Here’s what you need to know.

Plaque and Tartar Removal

Plaque can build up on your teeth even with regular brushing and flossing. Left alone, it will turn into tartar, which is impossible to remove without going to the dentist.

Ultimately, the goal is to remove the plaque and tartar before it becomes a problem.

Oral Cancer Detection

Oral cancer can be life-threatening if it’s not diagnosed and treated quickly. That's why it's so important to go to the dentist—they’re highly trained to recognize the signs of the disease.

The earlier you catch it, the easier it will be to treat.

Gum Disease Prevention

Periodontitis is a serious infection that damages the tissues surrounding the teeth. Left untreated, it can cause abscesses and receding gums, the former of which can be life-threatening if the infection travels to the bloodstream.

Fortunately, this can all be prevented with regular dental visits.


Certain things such as impacted teeth are invisible to the naked eye—that is, they can only be seen with x-rays. This is especially true with destructive diseases that show little to no systems but progress rapidly.

Keep Bad Habits In Check

Various habits can have a negative impact on your oral health. For example, both biting your nails and chewing ice can damage your teeth.

When you go for a checkup, your dentist will be able to see if there’s any damage caused by these habits. If necessary, they’ll help fix the damage that’s already been done.

How Often Should You Go to the Dentist?

As a general rule, you want to go for a cleaning and checkup every six months. Some people, however, may have to go more often.

Some higher-risk groups include smokers, pregnant women, and diabetics. Those who are prone to cavities should also visit their dentist more frequently.

Finding a Dentist in Coquitlam

As you can see, there are several reasons why it’s important to go to a dentist regularly. If anything, it's the best way to prevent oral health problems.

Looking for a dentist in Coquitlam? We, at Brookmere Dental, would be happy to help—feel free to contact us to set up an appointment!


Monday: 9am-5pm
Tuesday: 9am-7pm
Wednesday: 9am-7pm
Thursday: 9am-7pm
Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturdays: 9am-5pm
Sunday: Closed
Closed on Sat holidays

Brookmere Dental Group
Phone: (604) 492-3388
101-531 North Rd
Coquitlam, BCV3J 1N7

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