Benefits of Having Straight Teeth

Benefits of Having Straight Teeth

Sunday, August 1st, 2021

Benefits of Having Straight Teeth

Have you ever wondered why orthodontists place such a high premium on making sure that teeth come in straight and you keep your smile looking its best? It goes beyond simple aesthetics: it's because straight teeth are much easier to properly care for.

In recent years, Invisalign has become one of the best methods for straightening teeth, mainly because it gets results without the wires that come with traditional braces. But if you've never stopped to think about it, you might wonder why it's so critical to keep your teeth straight. These are just a few of the biggest benefits of doing exactly that!

Easy to Clean

Think about it: when you're flossing, do you find it easier to get into a straight area or one that's kind of jagged? There's no accident here: it's a lot more manageable for toothbrushes and dental floss to get in between your teeth and take care of bacteria before it can cause damage to your teeth. Not only are they harder to get in between, but when teeth come in jagged, bacteria can get trapped by the curve of your teeth, which makes it difficult for even your dentist to clean your mouth properly.

When you aren't able to clean your mouth correctly, plaque buildup is inevitable. If you can't get rid of bacteria before the plaque is created, you'll need to visit your dentist for a cleaning in rather short order.

Healthier Gums

When your teeth are spread out too far apart, you're more likely to develop problems with your gums. That's because spread-out teeth make it easier for bacteria to get to your gum line, which can lead to gingivitis and periodontitis. Gum disease is easy to prevent before it exists, but once it's had time to develop, it's very hard to get things heading back in a positive direction. If your teeth start to come in crooked, an Invisalign treatment can protect your gums for the long term.

Preserving the Jawline

As you get older, it becomes even more important for your teeth to fit together properly so that you're able to keep your jawline strong throughout your adult life. Grinding your teeth becomes much easier to accidentally do when your teeth don't fit together all that well, and wearing your teeth down can lead to headaches, broken bones, and issues with your jaw in old age. Studies have also shown that jaw problems can lead to sleep apnea, which brings its own set of issues.

If you're worried about any of these problems popping up in the future, Invisalign can be an excellent way to ensure that you straighten out your teeth properly so that they're easy to care for. When you've got straight teeth, not only will your smile look its best, but it'll feel its best because a straight smile is by far the easiest smile to keep healthy!


Monday: 9am-5pm
Tuesday: 9am-7pm
Wednesday: 9am-7pm
Thursday: 9am-7pm
Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturdays: 9am-5pm
Sunday: Closed
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Brookmere Dental Group
Phone: (604) 492-3388
101-531 North Rd
Coquitlam, BCV3J 1N7

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