What Smoking Does to the Teeth: Visit a Dentist in Coquitlam Now

What Smoking Does to the Teeth: Visit a Dentist in Coquitlam Now

Wednesday, June 1st, 2022

Visit a Dentist in Coquitlam Now

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, it seemed that smoking was on the decline in Canada. British Columbia was no exception but unfortunately, this is a trend that now appears to be reversing. The latest figures show that at least 15% of the population here smokes.

There are many good reasons to visit a dentist in Coquitlam, but if you're a smoker then this is especially important to do on a regular basis. You're probably well aware of how smoking can affect your physical and mental health, but how does smoking affect your teeth?

That's what we're going to be discussing today. Read on to see if it might be time for you to schedule a dental check up in Coquitlam.

Smoking and Teeth Discoloration

Let's start off with something on the less serious side of things. Smoking is renowned for causing discoloration in teeth.

Your teeth are made out of enamel and this enamel has microscopic cracks on its exterior. Every time you smoke a cigarette the nicotine and tar contained inside settle into these cracks.

Over time this is guaranteed to cause discoloration. Usually, you'll notice a yellow or brown color developing.

If you have discolored teeth from smoking you will eventually have to address the root cause of the issue by kicking the habit. But in the meantime, you can try a teeth whitening treatment.

Risk of Gum Disease

If you're a smoker then you're automatically at risk of developing gum disease. This is because smokers have higher bacterial plaque production rates. Over time it's this plaque that can lead to gum disease, which often results in tooth loss.

What's worse is that because smoking restricts levels of oxygen in your bloodstream your infected gums have a harder time healing. It's for this same reason that smokers often have a more difficult time healing from dental surgeries and treatments.

Smoking and Oral Health

Of course, one of the more serious consequences of smoking is an increased risk of developing several different types of cancers. This includes oral cancer.

Did you know that smokers are 10 times more likely to develop oral cancer than non-smokers? While dentists don't directly treat oral cancer, they are able to spot signs of it and are integral in relaying different treatment options to you and coordinating with other medical professionals.

Smoking Causes Bad Breath

Nobody likes that one person who always has bad breath—you definitely don't want to be that person either. But it's a fact that smokers are prone to chronic cases of halitosis. It's a condition called smoker's breath, and short of giving up smoking entirely, it can be very difficult to treat.

Why Smokers Should Visit a Dentist in Coquitlam Today

Everyone should visit their dentist on a regular basis, but if you're a smoker you should take extra special care of your oral health. If you'd like to visit a dentist in Coquitlam, we'd be happy to see you. Get in touch to book your appointment at your earliest convenience.


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Tuesday: 9am-7pm
Wednesday: 9am-7pm
Thursday: 9am-7pm
Friday: 9am-5pm
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Sunday: Closed
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Brookmere Dental Group
Phone: (604) 492-3388
101-531 North Rd
Coquitlam, BCV3J 1N7
Email: info@brookmeredental.com

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